The first envelope I opened was a "Thank You" note from my oldest son, Aaron and his new wife, Sara. They chose the one and only shot that I requested be staged by the photographer as the photo to put on their thank you cards... and on the back they wrote the most beautiful, personal, meaningful sentiments.... it started out....
Dear Mom,
"There's so much we have to be thankful for: ......."
But it was how it ended that touched my heart ....
" .... But most of all, thank you (underlined) for loving us both and supporting our marriage."
There are details that I'll not go into here... but allow me to say that these words meant more than you can imagine.... I love them so completely... envy what they have... and can't image a more perfect match for either one of them....
The second piece of mail came in "box" form.... as I cut loose the tape, pulled the contents from the box and opened to read the announcement.... my heart was overcome.... it read....
"The Faculty, The Board of Trustees,
and President David J. Shorton
announce that
Benjamin Donald ........
is a candidate for the degree of
Bachelor of Science
Animal Science
Magna Cum Laude
at the
One Hundred forty-first
Cornell University Commencement Ceremony
Sunday, ......."
and President David J. Shorton
announce that
Benjamin Donald ........
is a candidate for the degree of
Bachelor of Science
Animal Science
Magna Cum Laude
at the
One Hundred forty-first
Cornell University Commencement Ceremony
Sunday, ......."
I knew a woman who said "Luck only occurs when Oppurtunity meets preparation."
Lots of preparation here huh....Great job DF...and Congrats to Ben...I wish my kids mother was an infintesimal fraction of the mom you've been to yours.....
I'm very happy for the both of ya...
the very idea of my son marrying makes my heart twinge. i'm not ready for that...i'm not ready for someone else to be the woman in his life. although he's been dating the same girl for almost 2 years i am finally warming up to her and speaking to her when she comes over.
she is a sweet girl dont get me wrong...he's just my baby. well first born but still my baby.
i hope that one day i can be as happy for him as you are your son, aaron and his new bride. and for the record-they're absolutely lovely.
congrats to your other son too! such a great accomplishment.
both of your boys on the verge of starting new lives....
whoa a wave of panic just came over me...empty nest syndrome is around the corner for me. everyday i feel it more and everyday i dont like it one bit.
i dont know how you do it...i would feel as if i lost a part of who i am...
i'm totally off on a tangent it seems...that's me...and my thoughts....
KK...I feel that way about my friend Redick...I'm not ready to lose him in Ohio to OhiO.
I'm already starting to get empty Trouse feelings.
Dragonflys can thrive in NH...I know this..I've seen bunches of them here....
KK... Empty nesting isn't always as bad as it sounds.... by the time it comes... you are ready for it. There is a reason they don't go off to college the day after they are born... there are a lot of steps inbetween that need to be taken.
The amazing thing is... that when you know they are truly happy where they are at... it's okay.
Now, if they were far from home and emotionally distressed... I'm not sure what I would do or how I would feel. I've been quite blessed... for although all three of my boys are at great distance... they are surrounded by good people and thriving.
The nice part is that when Benjamin starts Vet school at U Penn in the fall... he will be much closer to home!!! I do miss them all.... and yes, they are a part of me that walks outside my body.
46... thank you for the sweet comments.... and hmmmmm.... do you still know that woman?!??!!? *smiles*
Luck is when preparation meets opportunity..... for sure. There has been a lot of preparation on this end... a lot!!!!
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