The Prelude.....
One of my dearest of friends struggles with fluctuations with weight. I think she is a truly beautiful woman no matter her size and she has a fabulous husband that just adores her. She has that type of marriage that is truly inspirational. They are best friends.... and he has claimed her!!! She has a rather impressive diamond ring that screams, "taken!" *smiles*
I'm not the materialistic person... I never really cared much about diamonds. In fact, for years I always said if ever I got remarried all I wanted was to wear two simple bands on the same finger. Then one day, my friend provided a whole different perspective... she told me that when she feels sales clerks or store personnel are looking down on her and she is feeling as if she is just "a short little old fat lady" she flashes her "F**k You, somebody loves me" ring!!! *big smiles* And all her confidence returns because she knows she has something incredible... it's what the ring represents.
So although I'm really not a materialistic person..... I do dream about having a "F-U somebody loves me" ring.... and my girlfriends and I joke about it....
Well... the other night, the girls and I went out to dinner, and on the way home we stopped at the mall. I had taken in a bracelet (previous gift) which was in need of repair and was now ready to be picked up. When I first dropped off the bracelet I noticed a ring in the display... a beautiful sapphire (my birthstone) that just slipped on my finger perfectly. It really was "me". So while we were there, I showed it to my girlfriends. They know I rarely buy anything for myself... especially not something so frivolous.... not that it was terribly expensive, nonetheless, money that could be used to pay bills or college tuition, etc. But then I got thinking.... why should I have to wait for a "F-U somebody loves me" ring? Sure, I'm still hoping to find that which it represents.... but that night I got me an "F-U "
I" love me" ring!!!!
The Dream....
That night I had a dream....
I was in a poor, dirty, market place, small village or city, type location.... (very similar to the setting of Slumdog Millionaire, if you saw the movie) it reminded me of the streets of Cairo when I was there. And, I found a little girl.... she fluctuated between being a baby and a toddler.... she was dirty, her diaper needed to be changed and her parents were no where to be found. I tried to find someone to care for her, but no one would. No one wanted her. So, I took her. I changed her diaper. I washed her hair and gave her a bath. I fed her and clothed her and cared for her.... time passed and eventually (I believe it was) her mother was found. It was time to give the little girl back to the care of others.... but she didn't want to go. She told me that I took care of her better than anyone else and that she loved me.....
Upon waking, my day got off to a crazy start and I had forgotten about the dream until later in the day my one friend mentioned that she had had a crazy dream that night... and I remembered mine. I didn't think much of it as I was describing the dream to her.... and then it hit me.....
Was I the little girl?