Thursday, May 21, 2009

The True Measure of a Man.....

In past decades women have defined men by what they do for a living, how much they make, and how good they are in bed. But with women these days bringing as much to the table as men other priorities take precidence.

Yes, I still look at what a man does for a living. I have to be able to respect his chosen profession. And yes, how much a man makes is important... but only to extent that together we will have enough to support our dreams. Anything beyond "enough" is just gravy on the potatoes... whipped cream on my brownies.... or gifts for those yet unborn grandchildren, who require my spoiling....

But what really melts my heart... makes me weak in the knees.... left breathless long after he is gone... are all the little things....

Little things he does without effort or forethought.... For instance...When you are mixing a drink for him and even before you can finish and hand it to him, he is pouring one for you.... When he insists that you set down your drink because he does not want you multi-tasking in the least upon being kissed... When you tell him that dinner will be ready in three minutes and he has washed up and is helping you finish setting the table with two minutes to spare... When he tells you how wonderful dinner is and acknowledges your effort... When he helps to clear the table even though he has his own tasks waiting on him.... When he refuses to let you lift something, even though both of you know you can... When you take the dog for a walk and a car is coming towards you and he continues to hold your hand, but steps in front of you just in case the car didn't see you.... THAT is the true measure of a man.

He is not arrogant or boastful... but appreciative and protective of my existence....kind, thoughtful and strong with strength that goes beyond the, mentally and emotionally....

And when a man lives his life in this way... it doesn't matter in which room of the house you are.... you feel precious.... and left breathless long after he has gone... smiling with the memories.


lime said...


i give thanks with you.

~Dragonfly~* said...

If I had such a man in my life on a regular basis... I would be truly blessed... I give thanks that I am able to recognize that which matters most so that I will know it when it comes my way and appreciate it for all it is worth....