Monday, May 11, 2009

Bracing for recoil....

When people find themselves opening their heart to love again, it is a multifaceted process. There is the physical side…. finding the courage and confidence to touch someone new…. channeling your own self worth to allow yourself to be touched and enjoyed and experiencing the pleasure of it all.

And then there is the emotional side… having the courage to place your heart in the hands of someone else, bestowing upon them the opportunity to drop your heart leaving it shattered on the floor but trusting that they won’t. It’s a frightening process… one we try to traverses with great caution… We try to venture forth slowly, at a pace that feels comfortable and safe. But sometimes, what we feel is so real and so intense it is frightening, unexpected and causes us to recoil to a place of security. We might hold people at an arm’s length, make a verbal line in the sand or even push that other person away…. But when what we are feeling is honest and true…. Our heart can’t stay away…. And the desire to experience it again is even more intense than the first time …. We crave the connection… and instead of stopping at our verbal line in the sand we can’t help but push beyond it… taking one more step, bringing us closer to the possible fulfillment of our dreams.

It is scary. It can cause tears and moments of reflective silence. It can jostle a person’s self-confidence and courage.

During this time, we can only hope that the person on the other side is patient, cares about us and is loving enough to help us through this time….. and will continue to hold our hand as they do our heart.

1 comment:

lime said...

oh, this is so true...