Sunday, May 10, 2009

The best Mother's Day present ever....

Today was a some what sad day... my boys all at a distance, I found myself alone most of the day. Of course they all called, one by one, throughout the day delivering their good wishes... asking if they had "won" this year... meaning were they the first to call!!! :) It was such a delight to hear all their voices.

But it wasn't until later in the day when I met up with my mom for dinner that the true gift came...

Our church has acquired a new minister. He has a sense of humor and I really enjoyed listening to him speak on Easter Sunday. I didn't go today... I opted to sleep in for a change... So, while on our way to the restaurant, my mother wanted to share with me some of his sermon. It being mother's day, he stayed topical.... keep in mind, my second son, Benjamin, the one with crazy curly hair just like his mom, is graduating from Cornell in two weeks... Magna Cum Laude' .....

Anyway... he referred to some parents of famous people in history and comments they made....

The parents of....

Mona Lisa ~ "After all we spent on braces.. that was your best smile?"

Thomas Edison ~ "Of course I'm proud of you for inventing the light bulb, now turn it off and go to sleep!"

Christopher Columbus ~ "I know you have to travel around the world, but you could at least write."

Albert Einstein ~ "I know you are graduating first in your class, it's your senior picture, could you at least comb your hair?!?!?"

She said it made her think of Benjamin.


My mom then went on to get serious... and she told me that the minister also said something that made her think of me. She took the time to write it down on her bulletin so as to not forget his exact words. She dug it out of her purse and read to me....

"A great mother finds the hidden potential in her children and draws it out of them."

She followed that quote with, "That's exactly what you've done... "

My eyes welled up... that was the best Mother's Day present ever...

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