Sunday, July 5, 2009

Wolfy... my hero!

Now that the mating season has come to a close, Vince looks for other ways to entertain himself. He likes to wrestle with other bears and get into mischief. (He's the one with the large V shaped blaze on his chest.

The other morning he decided that he was going to test me. As I went about feeding he kept walking in front of me causing me to walk backwards. Usually, once we start to retreat the bears will leave us alone and go in a different direction.

On this particular morning, Vince was persistent and would not leave me alone. The more I backed up, the closer he would get to me. He was to the point that as I lifted my knees to take a step backwards I was practically bopping him in the nose.

I was beginning to get a bit concerned as there were no buildings close by to back into... only open field...

When all of a sudden... out of the woods came my big, dark, handsome hero... Wolfy!!!

Wolfy chased off Vince and proceeded to strut around the field and scent mark, ever so proud of himself. I too, was rather pleased with him!!!

He then followed me into the woods... I'm not sure what type of reward he thought he was going to get... but I had to break it to him that I'm really not into the whole furry back thing... and he had to settle for some sunflower seeds. :) But he did smile for me when I took his picture.

He's been back to visit and I've been able to get a few better shots of him... Benjamin has refused to call him, "Daddy" :) But I do think he has secretly thanked him for defending his mom.


Johnny Blogger said...

That is one big-A** bear. OMG! If you have not seen Grizzly Man the should but better after this little adventure of yours.

However, I'm sure its helpful in clearing your mind and adjusting your track and thats good.

The barn picture is my present screensaver. It's me.


~Dragonfly~* said...

Yeah... Wolfy is a big boy... but not one of the biggest. He smiles every time I pass by!!! :)

And yes, I know of the grizzly man... but you have to understand that these are black bears and not grizzly bears.

I'm glad you like the barn picture.. I've changed my screen saver as well.. it's actually a close up of a tamarack tree and it to feels so very peaceful to me.

I can't wait until I have more time to upload some more photos.

I like how y'all keep referring to this as "my little adventure"... :)

Heading out to do some hiking... hope we are safe... being that we are in bear country and all!!! LOL

lime said...

well that's a wee bit unnerving!

~Dragonfly~* said...

It was actually quite the rush!!! :)

summer said...

That was a great story!

Is this "adventure" a working vacation? Or is it part of your job? I didn't quite understand the details of your trip.

~Dragonfly~* said...

Hello Summer, thanks for the comments and coming by to read. I'm completing a three week internship at the bear sanctuary. It is more for fun than anything...but will increase my knowledge and provide awesome experiences to take back with me to my classroom.