Sunday, July 19, 2009

Where am I?

Where am I? This seems to be the question of the week for me. A week ago today I left the black bear sanctuary headed for home, by way of Canada. My son and I camped, hiked, kayaked, mined for amethyst and photographed our way home along the Northern shores of Lakes Superior.

When I got home I crashed into my oh so wonderful bed but woke in the middle of the night lost and confused. I couldn't figure out where I was. The sunflowers in my garden outside my bedroom window had grown tall while I was gone and in the dark, the light of the moon that came through my window made the shadows appear as though I was in the middle of a forest... nothing around me seemed familiar...

This has happened every night since I've returned... and it's got me thinking... where am I? Where did I leave off in my life when I left and where am I supposed to pick it back up? I'm feeling a little bit lost and confused... and not just in the middle of the night.


Johnny Blogger said...

I meant to plant sunflowers...and a garden...too much to do...I like the thought of Sunflower shadows dancing in moonlight on your bedroom wall.


lime said...

a rather disconcerting feeling for sure!