Saturday, July 25, 2009

Isn't She Lovely?

Two summers ago my son Benjamin worked at the bear sanctuary for the entire summer. While he was out there I popped in for a short visit... and while I was there I snapped the above photo.

It was late in August and she was so very tiny. I really wasn't sure she would make it through the winter. But she did!!! Not only did she survive her first winter, but she has been dispersed and survived her second winter.

I knew her the moment I saw her. She is lovely, shy and delicate and still on the small side.

And I am delighted that I could assist in the documentation of her existence...

It is events like these that I can see bringing me back year after year to once again walk amongst the bears.


lime said...

what a treat to see an old friend who has done well.

~Dragonfly~* said...

Exactly.... and I hope to see her again in the future.

~Dragonfly~* said...

It would be amazing to be able to watch her grow and have cubs some day. Although, she will have to gain a bit more weight before she could conceive. No such thing as a skinny bear momma!