Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Amethyst Insides....

This summer, on my way back from playing with the bears in MN I took the Northern route through Canada. We stopped at two different Amethyst mines and dug for gems. It was loads of fun. Benjamin and I would sift and dig through the dirt in hopes of locating a precious point or unique vein of colorful crystals.

It was also very educational. I learned how the amethyst "vugs" are formed. Basically, as a result of the earth being shaken to the core, the rocks crack leaving fissures behind. Then, with the right conditions and mineral saturated water... the fluids slowly work their way into the crevasses and replace the openings with beautiful crystals of varying colors that also once again strengthens the broken earth.

I brought home with me, several pieces, both large and small. I seem to admire these crystals daily as my mind takes a path of whimsy.

Over the years, on several occasions, my world has been shaken to its core. My heart broken, left exposed and gaping. I'd like to think... that with time... and the right conditions.... love will saturate the crevasses of my heart filling them with beautiful crystals and making it once again, strong. The heart, once broken made even more beautiful for the experience.


Johnny Blogger said...

Ahh...yes, this would be my birthstone. Very Jagged, I'd not want to get my arm caught in that first rock.


~Dragonfly~* said...

But very "sparkly" :)

lime said...

oh drangonfly, if only more people had this perspective. you reveal what a beautiful heart you already have.

~Dragonfly~* said...

You are so very kind Lime, thank you.