Sunday, September 2, 2012

Expiration dates.....

I've just finished cleaning out my fridge and a few kitchen cabinets. If you are coming to visit and looking for food....don't bother!!! My local, eat fresh!

A few of the cans that I pulled from the shelf had expiration dates of nine and a half YEARS ago!!!!! Obviously, it was time to throw that can out!!!

It got me thinking....wouldn't it be nice f relationships came with an expiration date? Upon each touch a date would magically appear on your wrist?

That way we wouldn't have to worry as much about being perfect and doing everything just could accept or refuse the time granted. You would be able to love with wild abandon and know when to start distancing your heart as the expiration date neared.

It would work with friends, lovers, employers, family.....

I know that each and every relationship has an expiration date....I just wish I could see it.


lime said...

i don't know that i want expiration dates for relationships. it makes them sound disposable. i think all we can do it love to the best of our ability and strive to grow in that capacity. people will either value what we have to offer or they won't, we can't change them, only ourselves....but at least we can have a clear conscience knowing we loved as well as we could.

of course it doesn't mean it hurts any less when people don't value what we have to offer or toss it off like so much garbage. that i understand all too well.


Secret Agent Woman said...

Here via Lime.

Have you seen the movie "Timers"? It's a similar idea - people get wrisbands surgically implanted that count down to when they will meet their soulmate. But life is far from predictable and sometimes you see the end of a relationship coming and sometimes not. And if you know the expiration date, would you really love with abandon or would you stay guarded from the beginning knowing it would end? Tricky stuff, which happens to resonate for me right now!

Anonymous said...

Expiration dates. How interesting. Some people are indeed like food, they spoil with time. How sad it is to see a favorite jar of honey crystalize and solidify, knowing that it once flowed so beautifully, with such magnificent flavor. How you long to gain just one more spoonful before it disappears forever. If only you could see it coming.

But for a believer in unconditional love, as you seem to be, Dragonfly, there can be no expiration date. Your love is non-perishable. Even though another's love may spoil, yours must continue. There is sadness and regret when the love of another fades before we are ready. But you cannot and should not change.

This above all: to thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man. Farewell, my blessing season this in thee!

~Dragonfly~* said...

Thank you all for your comments. You've all given me fodder to ponder. Each so different in perspective..yet all appreciated.

Ans Secret Agent Woman....I've not seen that movie...but I plan too. Sounds amazing and thought provoking. Thanks for visiting and sharing your thoughts.