Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I Beg to Differ....

They cough and they sniffle,
They hack and they sneeze,
I do what I can,
I try not to breathe.

But there's slime on their arms,
Slime in their hair,
There's slime on their shirts,

The moms say, "It's just allergies"
But I beg to differ,
Cus' green stuff is now
Coming out of MY sniffer!!

I cough and I hack,
I sniff and I wheeze,
Sometimes I can't help it,
I let out a big sneeze!

To the doctor I run,
He says, "Go right to bed!
That green slime is sloshing
All 'round in your head!"

I'll write up some plans.
A sub will come in.
I'll sleep through the day,
These germs they won't win!

The next day I'll be up,
I'll be running about.
The kids had better have behaved,
Or I'm liable to SHOUT!!!

Dang Kindergarteners!!!! Too good at sharing already!!


lime said...

ah the joys of being a human hankie! feel better soon.

~Dragonfly~* said...

Dear Anon,
I appreciate and am flattered that you garnish something, even if very little from my musings.

You are always welcome to write comments. I must admit, it's validating.

However, I write for myself as a way of processing diffent thoughts, emotions and experiences. The writing here are mine alone.

Lime...thanks for seeing and sharing in the humor of it all.