Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Night by the Ocean....

This past week I took a road trip in an attempt to find beauty along the back roads and to lose myself in the journey. I traveled through the Catskill Mountains, The Adirondacks, The Green Mountains, the White Mountains and eventually I ended up on the coast of Maine... Late at night, the sky was black with but a sliver of a waxing moon occasionally visible through the thick clouds that were determined to share their contents...

The rocky path leading down to the beach was barely visible and slippery... once on the remote isolated beach my thoughts and emotions started to swirl and churn as much as the surf and by the time I was finished walking I just wanted to yell as loud as I could. I wanted to scream, let go of inhibitions and release all that was within me... except I didn't have the words.

On my drive home the following morning I found the words within a song... within this song....

Sure wish I could sing.

1 comment:

lime said...

i hope you sang it with all the emotion your trip caused to well up within you. it's the truest way to sing, whether you have a great voice or not.