Friday, November 2, 2012

Night chills....

My youngest son is home from Colorado visiting.  You know when you were a kid and being naughty how your mother would say, "I hope you get a kid just like you some day!!!!" ? Well, he's mine.

I love all my boys dearly, yet you can't help but connect differently with each one.  With my baby...we connect more spiritually.  We listen to the Earth and believe in things that can't always be scientifically proven, but make them no less real to us.

Stories like this, you just can't make up.

A couple nights before the storm hit, my son and I had gone out for dinner.  It was a humid, almost balmy kind of night. With the storm pending the clouds were thick and looming keeping the heat of the day trapped.  We actually had to turn the defroster on to clear the windows.

As he was driving us home in the dark the Tim McGraw song Don't Take The Girl came on the radio.  Without realizing it we had stopped talking.  My thoughts were lost in the words of the song.  If you've never heard it, it's a very intense love song.

The last verse ends as follows...

 Johnny hit his knees and there he prayed
Take the very breath you gave me
Take the heart from my chest
I'll gladly take her place if you'll let me
Make this my last request

Take me out of this world
God, please don't take the girl

I started to wonder what it would be like to be loved like that, but realized very quickly that I had been.  My Daddy loved me like that.  I was 14 went he passed.

As thoughts of my Daddy flowed through my mind I got I tense chills that started at the base of my neck and went right down my spine as if someone had poured cold water down my back.  Instinctively I reached out to turn off the window defroster as if it were the source of my instant and extreme night chills.

As I touched the knob my son broke the silence and said, "You know, they say you get the chills when a spirit is around."

I turned to him in shock and surprise.  I hadn't said I got the chills.  I hadn't said anything.

I asked him if he had gotten the chills too.  The description of his experience was identical to mine.

I told him I had been thinking about my Dad.  He was too!

Although my son has never met my Daddy he has always felt very close to him.  Being the adventurous one, we would always tell my son that it was a good thing his guardian angel was related to him or he would have quit a long time ago!!!

I have no doubt my Daddy was with us at that moment and found a way to let us know.  In hind sight, perhaps he was in the area getting into position, like the emergency crews, because he knew what was coming our way and wanted to let us know that he was there and we would be okay.

Take me out of this world
God, please don't take the girl

I got to thinking about that level of love and my own Daddy, who passed when I was only 14.  He loved me like that.

As I was listening to the song and thinking about him I got a serious chill from the back of my neck right down my spine as if someone had poured cold water on me.  Instinctively, I reached out to turn off the window defroster.

My son just looked at me and said, "you know, they say that when spirits are around you get a chill." I hadn't spoken a word!  I didn't share my thoughts.  I turned to him in shock and asked if he had gotten a chill too.   His description of what he experienced was identicle to mine.

I told him that I was thinking about my dad.  He shared that he was as well.

Although my son has never met my Daddy, he has always felt very close to him.  We have always told my son from the time when he was little that it was a good thing his guardian angel was related to him because he would have quit a long time ago!!! (my son being the adventurous one)


~Dragonfly~* said...

The storm continues to put bugs into things....lost part of what I wrote when power from generator flickered...thought it it has printedit twice and won't allow me to edit!!! Guess Daddy thought it was worth telling twice! And so it is posted as is!!!

lime said...

lol, daddy was a mischief maker too? glad you're safe and you and your son could share that moment.

Anonymous said...

Dear Dragonfly,

Wow! What an amazing story!! And what a powerful connection and awareness between you and your son - it's fun, but a little spooky to be that well in tune :-)
And how nice of your father to give you both comfort in a time of hardship - and mess with your computer ;-). It is clear you loved each other very much and love each other still. As one who has a grown daughter, I can only imagine what it must feel like to be able to see you, his wonderful daughter and not be able to hold you in his arms. He must long for that.
Perhaps he was giving you a hug in the only way he could. It's for certain he wanted to.

~Dragonfly~* said...

Thank you both for your sweet comments...I sure do miss him!

~Dragonfly~* said...

And tha you for not thinking I'm crazy!!! Or maybe you...then thank you for not voicing that opinion!! :)