Monday, March 16, 2009

Presents from Abbey.....

It's just a bit past 10:30 p.m. and I've just gotten home from a long day's work at school followed by a long night's work at Lowe's... and what greets me as I pull in the drive?!?!?! My big white beast as usual..... but tonight she's got a present for me. Generally they come in the form of groundhogs. Last summer I was quite proud of her as she got three groundhogs in a mere two week period of time. She likes to strut around the yard with them hanging out of her mouth. It always amazes me when I finally scoop them up, as to just how heavy they are, and she tosses them around like her well played with rope toy.

She pranced around the drive way then apparently left her present to lay as I opened the car door. She wanted to greet me with kisses..... I opted for a scratch behind the ears, thank you. She circled around me and followed me into the house where I promptly turned on the outside lights to see what she had be gifted me.... it was a kitty...

She's never gotten a kitty before. It was a gray tiger, fairly young. It just laid there with its cute little paws crossed like it was sleeping.

I called my son, the one who will be attending vet school in the fall, who also just happens to be considering adopting a kitten to take to school with him. I told him he now needs to adopt two.

Our conversation quickly digressed.... one would need to understand that I possess a scavenger's license awarded to me as a science educator to pick up road kill and use various parts of them for educational purposes.... and Benjamin cuts apart critters on a regular basis for research purposes...... Benjamin was quick to jump on the fact that a cat skull would be an awesome addition to my collection (I hate to admit how many various skulls I have). We spent a bit of time in debate about just lopping off it's head and putting in the freezer until he comes home again.... to just bagging the whole thing in order to get an entire skeleton out of it.... to approaching a friend and taxidermist to peel the pelt (which Ben thinks would make a rather cool hat or even better... mittens).... to tossing it across the street for the foxes to dine on this evening.....

I am tired. I worked all day. If it is still there in the morning I will consider lopping off it's head... but for now... the foxes lucked out.

As for Abbey.... she keeps sneezing... I think she is allergic to cats!!!!


Johnny Blogger said...

Why do thoughts of Stephen Kings "Pet Cemetary" keep overiding what I know is the educational purpose of your...cadaver...pursuits....

A cat head in the freezer....hmmmm

Dr. Ethel said...
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~Dragonfly~* said...

Not just the head 46.... the whole kitty!!!! Wanna come over for dinner?!?!??!

Actually, I just had a rather silly thought... there are mouse-sicles in there too... for the snakes.... lol

Johnny Blogger said...

DF...let me think about that...ahh...ok...NO.


Johnny Blogger said...

Hold on here...from a different angle are you inviting me down to "eat kitty?!"

Dr. Ethel said...
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~Dragonfly~* said...

Ummm.... you already said, "No"... you missed your chance... could have had some.... "kitty"....

And yeah... I think I was inviting you down...

~Dragonfly~* said...

Ummm.... you already said, "No"... you missed your chance... could have had some.... "kitty"....

And yeah... I think I was inviting you down...

Johnny Blogger said...

DF, are you stuttering over this? I happen to have some hot sausage that may go very well with "kitty." I check my mailbox at least every week. I've seen no such invitation.

Hope all is well.


Dr. Ethel said...
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